
Soyo Technology Shines at the 2014 Xiamen Museum and Technology Expo

abstract : Soyo Technology shines at the 2014 Xiamen Museum and Technology Expo, impressing experts and audiences alike with innovative wireless interpretation products. Their interactive display earns them the prestigious "Best Display Award" from the organizing committee.


The four-day 2014 Xiamen Museum and Related Products and Technology Expo concluded with great success at the Xiamen International Exhibition Center. Soyo Technology, a leading manufacturer of tourism wireless interpretation products, impressed industry experts and integrators with their cutting-edge solutions, gaining widespread recognition. Their carefully designed on-site product exhibition also captured the audience's attention, earning them the coveted "Best Display Award" from the Expo organizing committee.

The biennial Museum and Related Products and Technology Expo is China's most esteemed industry exhibition, attracting well-known museums, cultural institutions, and enterprises from around the world. With over 250 participants, this year's exhibition marked the largest in its history. Soyo Technology, renowned for its expertise in wireless digital audio and video transmission, presented a remarkable performance and interactive experience for the audience, showcasing their top-notch products and vibrant corporate culture.

During the event, Soyo Technology's international positioning and progressive corporate culture were exemplified by a lively opening dance featuring four foreign models. The performance ignited the atmosphere, setting the stage for a captivating "beauty of technology" product demonstration that showcased Soyo's technical prowess. This fusion of youth, fashion, and intelligence not only delighted the audience but also highlighted the significance of incorporating high-tech innovation and attracting younger audiences to the cultural industry.

Soyo Technology's efforts have not gone unnoticed, as they have successfully implemented wireless interpretation and display systems in numerous influential museums, including the National Museum of Cambodia, Peking University Library, and the Qingdao Maritime Museum, among others. Additionally, they have undertaken projects for renowned companies like Porsche, CRRC Group, and Ricoh.

One of Soyo's proudest moments came during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Beijing, where their mobile multilingual interpretation system received high praise from relevant departments for its exceptional performance during high-level forums.

Guided by their mission to establish a century-old enterprise and brand, Soyo Technology continues to revolutionize the tourism and museum industry with their pioneering spirit and wireless technology solutions.